Vocabulary - Exceptional English Words With Meanings : 13 February 2021


Exceptional words of English vocabulary from the newspaper ‘The Hindu’ are listed here. Go through these words and read the usages to learn how to use them in sentences. After this, take the quiz based on the vocabulary to check how much you learnt. This will really help you boost up your learning. 
Happy learning!!!       
1. MERCURIAL (adjective) अस्थिर
Pronunciation: muh·kyuor·ree·uhl
Meaning: subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind
Synonyms: volatile, capricious, excitable, fickle, changeable, unpredictable,
Antonyms: stable, steady, constant
Usage: The trending topics on Twitter are mercurial because they often change within seconds.
2. SALUTARY (adjective) लाभदायक
Pronunciation: sa·lyoo·tuh·ree
Meaning: producing good effects
Synonyms: beneficial, good, advantageous, profitable, productive, helpful, useful
Antonyms: unwelcome, irrelevant
Usage: The lab experiment provided salutary results that will help researchers learn the key to battling the disease.
3. CURSORY (adjective) सतही
Pronunciation: kuh·suh·ree
Meaning: hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed
Synonyms: perfunctory, desultory, casual, superficial, token, uninterested, inattentive
Antonyms: thorough, detailed, meticulous
Usage: After doing a cursory head count, Claire realized that two of the campers were not in their tents.
4. TRENCHANT (adjective) प्रखर
Pronunciation: tren·chnt
Meaning: vigorous or incisive in expression or style
Synonyms: incisive, cutting, pointed, piercing, penetrating, sharp, keen
Antonyms: woolly, vague, blunt
Usage: The scientist’s trenchant observations made him the toast of the scientific community.
5. DIVULGE (verb) प्रकट करना
Pronunciation: dai·vuhlj
Meaning: make known
Synonyms: disclose, reveal, tell, impart, expose, uncover
Antonyms: conceal, hide
Usage: Doctors must be careful to not divulge confidential information about their patients.
6. FERVID (adjective) – जुनूनी
Pronunciation: fuh·vuhd
Meaning: intensely enthusiastic or passionate
Synonyms: fervent, ardent, passionate, impassioned, intense, vehement, heated
Antonyms: unenthusiastic, perfunctory
Usage: Although Stewart was fervid about basketball, he really could not play the game very well.
7. SEEMLY (adjective) उचित
Pronunciation: seem·lee
Meaning: appropriate or suitable
Synonyms: decorous, proper, decent, fitting, suitable, appropriate
Antonyms: unseemly, unsuitable, inappropriate
Usage: Since I have little money in the bank, I do not find it seemly to go on vacation over spring break.    
8. COGNATE (adjective)  सम्बंधित
Pronunciation: kog·neit
Meaning: associated by origin or birth
Synonyms: associated, related, connected, similar, interconnected, linked, correlated
Antonyms: unconnected, disassociated, dissimilar
Usage: The two fields are cognate because they both stem from the subject of biology.
9. SENTIENT (adjective) संवेदनशील
Pronunciation: sen·tee·uhnt
Meaning: able to perceive or feel things
Synonyms: feeling, living, live, conscious, aware, responsive, reactive
Antonym: insentient
Usage: Many people believe plants to be sentient and responsive to things such as music and the human voice.
10. INNATE (adjective)  जन्मजात
Pronunciation: uh·neit
Meaning: a quality or ability which you are born with, or which is present naturally   
Synonyms: inborn, natural, inbred, congenital, inherent, intrinsic, instinctive
Antonyms: acquired, learned, meditated
Usage: Marilyn’s innate piano talent allowed her to play complicated pieces before she was six years of age. 
Now choose any 2 or 3 words, try to use them in your own sentences and share your sentences in the comment section. This will help you to retain the learnt words for a longer duration.   
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